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Lighting Up Lives Dedication Page
Here you will find links to all the pages hosting the 2023 Lighting Up Lives dedications.
You can use the search function (ctrl + f) to find out which page your dedication is on, listed
by the sponsor name
If you would like to dedicate a light and add your own message, please visit the
lighting up lives page.
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Page One
Dorothy Maidment
Janet Manchester
Lida Newman
Mary Bennett
Michael Howard
Geoff Coyne
Keith Jennings
Laura Moore
Sue Auton
Joanna Bailey
Rosemary Carvisiglia
Laura Flynn
Paul Ballamy
Carole Waite
Sheila Lambern
Joanna Penley
Charlotte Hayles
Tonya Tyan
Lisa Morris
Richard Worbey
Nick Kimmins
Jacqueline Sandy
Pamela Briggs
Roland Maslin
Janet Topp
Martin Yardley
Sally Fellingham-Huggett
Faith Perkins
Gavin Fowke
Kay Lewis
David Hammond
Rita Dunsdon
Andrew Coleman
Phil Ansell
Andrea Fitter
Sarah Davies
Paul Wilson
Nichola WIlson
Margaret McLellan
Susan Gover
Jacky Goodwin
Paul Braznell
Gary Keane
Jane McTigue
Alison Clough
Roger Long
Vicky Baker
Carol Bannister
Tony Charlton
Susan Ryan
Colin Bullock
Marianne Cockwell
Jane Atkinson
Lauren Pitt
Linda Avison
Jim Lawless
Susan Sheehan
Laura Huckerby
Christine Bown x 2
James Smart
Sarah Woods
Marilyn Still
Liz Sutton
Sue Seymour
Page Two
Barrie Armstrong
Carol Cole
Barrie Oram
Malcolm Jones x 4
Sue Ralph
Len Woods
Linda Craven
Anne Hope
Nigel Hoff
Diana Finegan
Geraldine Impey
Darren Self
Francesca Ayres x 6
Victoria Slack
Martin Whiddett
Carol Kendall x 2
Christine Gormley x 2
Nicola Batten
Mo Andrews
Janet Kelly
Denise Green
Richard Clarkson x 2
Margaret Palmer
Alice Kersey
Carol Jones
Clare Carrington
Janet Hurn
Jill Roff
Roger Gregory
Beryl Mitchell
Fiona Smith
Judy Raybould
Corinne Holden
Kate Haynes
Christine Gormley
Christine O'Reilly
Jennifer Trust
Heather Snow
Sara Davies x 2
Paul Harden
Malcolm Challis
Claire Woods
Caroline Bowers
Caroline Finch
Alun Hughes
Maggie Thorpe
Lisa Salamon
Michael Thompson x 2
Mike Thompson
Anne Roper
Nicky Gaynor
Colin Oxland
Nicola Millington
Brenda Coe
Mark James
Della Anderson-Eatwell
Page Three
Penny Destro x 2
Sue Curtis
Keith Pettitt
Julie Wright
Michelle Juniper
Nicki Whiddett
Doug Whart
Adrian Roberts
Tim Shakerley
Jan Blair
Sam Harwood
Patricia Little
Salliann Coleman
Janet Ann Williams
Stephanie Robinson
Louise Cook
Sandra Cooks
Lyndsey Bailey
Julia Niesto-Utting
Nick Kimmins
Sheila Leadding
Claire Steer
Jessie Newman
Helen Pitcher
Kathleen Pratt
Kath Galley
Marianne Wright
Louise Carey x 2
Julie Morris
Tricia Kennrick
Clare Hodgson x 2
Poppy Patel
Robert Squibb
Emily Reeves
Mally Treasure
Susan Walker
Becky Fenson
Kerry Green
Sharon Ikin
Hannah Bower
FD Snart
Julie Moss
Cathy Harrison
Lynn Hetherington
Debra Green
Peter Attwood
Susan Eastwood
Patricia Eatwood
Debbie Preston
Josie Le Blond
Roger Healing
Janet Bailey
Anne Nafi
Claire Zerfahs
David Way
Roz Woodward
Deborah Purdue
Jacqnth Hawes
Nick Ellerington
Diana Speight
Colin Brown
Tracy Gower
Lesley Hollingworth
Sue Gregory
Janet Topp
Dawn Brynley
Rosemary Borrett
Janet Speakman
Felicity Townsend
Nigel Clarke
Hilary Rosa
Tina Sud
Carole Jenkins
Roz Woodward