Leaving a Legacy
Swanage Pier Trust, like all registered charities, depends on its supporters to ensure it remains in place for future generations. The pier is under constant threat from the challenging marine environment and the gribble worm, a type of waterborne woodworm. This microscopic bug can reduce the vertical piles to a fraction of their width over time.
Your gift will help us to maintain the historic Pier and preserve the important wildlife beneath the structure for generations to come.
As a charity, all donations bequeathed to The Swanage Pier Trust are exempt from inheritance tax, therefore a gift in your Will may reduce the tax on your estate.
Swanage Pier Charitable Trust, Registered address: Marine Villas, High Street, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 2AP. Registered Charity number 290397.
We always recommend that you speak to a Solicitor when writing or amending your Will; they will be able to ensure that your wishes appear just as you want them and can also advise you about Inheritance Tax. We understand this is a huge decision and your family come first, to avoid any surprises please talk about your legacy wishes with your family.
How to leave a legacy
There are three types of gifts you can leave in your Will:
For Residuary Gifts, (what remains after all taxes, specific gifts and the costs of administration have been paid) the codicil would read:
"I give [state proportion e.g. one third] of the residue of my estate to the Board of Trustees of The Swanage Pier Trust, Marine Villas, High Street, Swanage, BH19 2AP. Registered Charity No 290397 absolutely for its general charitable purposes. My Trustees shall have no further duties relating to this benefit if they obtain the written receipt from the treasurer or other appropriate officer of The Swanage Pier Trust”.
For Pecuniary gifts
"I give the sum of [amount in words] (£______ [amount in figures]) to the Board of Trustees of The Swanage Pier Trust, Marine Villas, High Street, Swanage, BH19 2AP absolutely for its general charitable purposes. My Trustees shall have no further duties relating to this benefit if they obtain the written receipt from the treasurer or other appropriate officer of The Swanage Pier Trust."
For Specific Gifts
A specific gift is an object, like a painting, a house or a piece of jewellery. Please contact the fundraising team if you would like to leave us a gift.
If you do decide to leave a gift in your Will to The Swanage Pier Trust, thank you, we welcome hearing from you. No matter whether your gift is large or small, the Swanage Pier Trust is extremely grateful for your support. Please get in touch or call 01929 425 806. All legacy enquiries will be treated in the strictest of confidence.